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Lady Bag / Black

商品番号: 09LDB003





Color : Black

Material : 本革(Real Leather)

Size :
高さ(hight) 18.5cm
幅(width) 12cm
奥行(depth) 3cm
持ち手高さ(bag handle hight) 5cm
ベルト(belt) 106 - 122cm

*Each of the bag is hand painted by the artist, so it might be slight difference in each other. Please understand that paintings on the picture might be slightly different from the one on the item.
*Please note that you might see slight difference of the color cause by the right lightning.


・paint used in these produicts might change over time.
・over loading or loading heavy materials can rouin the bag and attatched parts.
・Water/ sweat must be wiped off immedetly when its on the iron parts, otherwise it might discolor.
・Please be aware not to scruch your wearings, that these items has some hard attatchments.
・Please be awear that sweat or strong contraction on fabric part can cause color fade out and discolor.
・It might cause iching or rash to your skin if you are alergic to the material. If you see any trouble to your skin, stop using it immedetly and see the specialist physician.
・Please do not place or stock the product where pets or small children can reach.
・Please store in place away from direct sunlight.

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